1. winslow says:

    The purpose of this blog is to create a cultural stream that will enlighten those interested in using evolution and economics to create heaven on earth.

  2. Iana says:

    Your wish is my command

  3. Susie says:

    Your loquaciousness gives greater depth to your writing. Don’t stop now!

  4. Dian says:

    xcellent analysis of boom bust cycle.
    Also exploring the results of egalitariun limits.
    looking forward to more insights on current morras
    occupods etc

  5. JUDY PAIGE says:

    Giving examples like “the depression 80 years ago” is good and more about how that moved the process forward…can use it again. Also would ask, does government have no role. How about false advertising, toxic drugs? Could also say “I believe this is possible.” Guessing it would be because of the spiritual connection.

  6. Winslow says:

    Toward the goal of prosperity, the smaller the role of government the better. Certain things are required: security of the State, legal system for enforcing contracts and a stable currency. The best example I know of is Hong Kong between 1960 and 1980, average growth per annum = 10%.

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